The worst distance between two people is misunderstanding. ~ Author unknown

Tech VocabularyTechnology has permeated almost every area of our personal and professional lives.  It’s difficult to escape the mind-blowing pace of advancements and keeping up takes some effort.  Occasionally we will find ourselves requiring help and we will be expected to explain the troubles we’re experiencing.

This is where some folks fall short.  Quickly the situation may go from already frustrating to worse; if not for both you and the technician assisting you, but very possibly for the technician, when you are unable to either adequately explain the problem or understand the questions being asked in return.  Following directions, especially over the phone, now becomes painful.

If the description above sounds familiar, you may consider taking a few minutes to better familiarize yourself with some very basic and common technology vocabulary.  This certainly means you, if you:

  • don’t know how to power-on, restart or shutdown your computer
  • don’t know which operating system (version) you are using
  • don’t know what a web browser is
  • don’t know what a web browser window or tab is
  • don’t know what a web address/URL is or where to type it
  • don’t know what the difference is between clicking (left-click by default) and right-clicking
  • aren’t familiar with the email basics: compose, draft, recipient, subject, body, attachments, delete and send

Just with anything subject matter you’re needing to communicate with another person, everyone involved would be far better off knowing the basic vocabulary, in order to convey wants and needs with any measure of success.  If you don’t know something or want to learn more, use Google Search, read, watch a video tutorial, take a local or online class, ask someone, experiment, explore and have fun!  Most certainly, you and others will be better for it!

Can you relate?  Any online sources you might have to share with us?