In my observations over the past decade, the answer seems painfully clear that, Windows might not be for you if..

  • you’re afraid to run Windows updates or worse yet don’t know what Windows updates are.
  • you’re still using the trial antivirus program that came with your machine when it was new that expired a long time ago.
  • you download and install anything and everything you possibly can with wreck-less abandon and expect it will be alright.
  • you use your machine like you’re a rock star Mac or Linux user.
  • you ignore or don’t know how to clean and update your machine weekly, as is ideal.
  • you don’t have plenty of time and patience to protect and care for your machine.
  • you find yourself infected often.  And by the way, getting infected at all is too often.
  • you find the cost for the Best Buy Geek Squad to save your failing machine alarming.

If any or all of this sounds familiar, you’re not alone.  What’s depressing is people settle and suffer with this as a normal part of their daily lives.

Fortunately there are wonderful choices that offer heavenly computing experiences that are best known as Mac and Linux.  Realize there’s more to life than Windows.  Those who know this know true freedom and enjoyment.

Be free!