The Bulletproof Operating System

Reading an online Linux forum, I came across one commenting end-user, noting how tired he was that others were stating how Linux operating systems are bulletproof.  When in fact, he knows there’s no such thing as an un-infectable OS; possibly a frustrated...

Thank Google Music!

Introducing Google Music [embedyt][/embedyt] Google has released us all from the Apple iTunes limitations.  Freeing everyone, especially the Linux operators, who could not use iTunes or easily connect our iPods to our...

One Button Will Change Your Life

Ever wish everything in life could be as simple and easy as selecting one button, to make it all happen?  One button updates your computer’s operating system, updates your programs, secures and even upgrades your OS. One button installs the new programs you...

iCloud: The Linux-iTunes Solution!

Here is the Linux-iTunes solution we’ve been eagerly awaiting!  Forget needing Windows or Mac to use iTunes.  iCloud is the freedom all disgruntled Windows users have been seeking, who only  suffered the vulnerable and self-destructing OS because it is...